Two leading immunology experts from Newcastle have been elected to join the prestigious Academy of Medical Sciences’ Fellowship
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa – an honorary dermatologist – and Professor Sophie Hambleton – an honorary immunologist – have been recognised for their exceptional contributions to world-leading research, which have been translated into pioneering clinical care.
Both working at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary, they join a cohort of 50 like-minded clinical leaders who pool together their experience and expertise to drive forward advances in healthcare. They are also two of the 19 female Fellows, contributing to the growing diversity of the Fellowship.
Both Sophie and Muzlifah specialise in problems associated with the immune system, which can have an impact on just about every clinical ailment there is.
Immunology expertise in Newcastle
Immunology is an area of clinical expertise for which Newcastle is held in high regard on an international level. By holding important research and clinical positions at both Newcastle University and the Newcastle Hospitals, Muzlifah and Sophie’s collaborative investigations can ultimately lead to pioneering treatments, diagnostics and illness prevention strategies, benefiting thousands of patients around the world.
Muzlifah, who leads the skin and oral disease research theme for the NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre pioneered the use of single cell genomics to help us understand how the immune system works.
She describes this as like a layered ‘Google Map’ of the human body, with one layer showing healthy organs and tissues, and a second layer demonstrating how clinical conditions affect the body and its functions.
“I feel honoured and humbled,” said Muzlifah. “The election was made possible by the fantastic support I have received from Newcastle University and Newcastle Hospitals, past and present members of my team, our amazing collaborators around the world, and the Wellcome Trust and Lister Institute.
“Together we have shown how multi-disciplinary expertise, combined with a collaborative and open research culture, can unravel fundamental biological insights to innovate clinical therapy.”
Advancing biomedical and health research
“I look forward to assisting the Academy in its work to advance biomedical and health research and its translation into benefits for society. It is important that we adopt new ways of working to ensure medical science and higher education continues to contribute towards effective exit strategies from the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown has shown that physical location need not be a barrier to global collaboration.”
Muzlifah adds: “It is particularly pleasing that I should receive this recognition at the same time as my friend and colleague of many years, Professor Sophie Hambleton. That both of us are immunologists, members of the new Immunity and Inflammation research Theme shows that this prestigious recognition is testament to the many internationally-leading research groups in this area at Newcastle.”
Professor Sophie Hambleton has been honoured for her excellent research describing and investigating inborn errors of the immune system. This research arises directly from Sophie’s ongoing active part in looking after affected children at the Great North Children’s Hospital.
Her work has directly empowered early diagnosis and precision medicine, leading to improved patient outcomes and new insights into the roles of individual genes and pathways in human immunity.
Trusted source of advice and support
“I am thrilled and honoured to be elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences, which is such a trusted source of advice and support,” said Sophie.
“At a time of intense upheaval internationally, pooling expertise, respecting diversity and working together are more important than ever. I look forward to playing an active role in the Academy.”
The established partnership between The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Newcastle University has a strong track record of developing and implementing world-class research – from experimental ideas, through lab testing to trialing and delivering treatments. And it’s all focused on the best possible outcome for patients.
Muzlifah and Sophie’s accolade is a prime example of how important and effective Newcastle’s longstanding ‘bench to bedside’ partnership really is.