Our expert team of consultants and health professionals includes:
- orthopaedic and spinal surgeons
- plastic surgeons
- surgeons with colorectal, abdominal, retroperitoneal and head and neck expertise
- specialists from oncology (chemotherapy and radiotherapy)
- radiologists (x-ray and scans)
- pathologists
- clinical nurse specialists.
We have a weekly team meeting on Friday mornings where professionals with a range of expertise meet to ensure that patients benefit from the most appropriate treatment.
Management team
Robert Willers
Directorate manager for the Musculo Skeletal Unit
Helen Whittaker
Assistant directorate manager for the Musculo Skeletal Unit
Mani Ragbir
Head of Sarcoma Service
Consultant staff
See list of consultant staff below:
Nursing team
Karen Fisher
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Telephone: 0191 2231202
Email: Karen Fisher
Sarah Alice Dean
Clinical Nurse Specialist (Retroperitoneal)
Brioney Scott
Clinical Nurse Specialist (Orthopaedics)
Jo Taylor
Clinical Nurse Specialist (Plastic Surgery)
Telephone: 0191 9177423
Email: Jo Taylor